Upload File to DigitalOcean Spaces in Flutter

Gulshan Yadav
3 min readJun 19, 2020


At this time of writing this article, there is no perfect tutorial available on the Internet about Uploading Files to DigitalOcean Spaces in Flutter.


After doing a lot of research and with the help of docs provided by DigitalOcean I finally found the perfect solution that worked for me.

So, first of all, you need to open the Spaces section in DigitalOcean as shown below in the screenshot.

Spaces Projects List

You can find Spaces in the “Manage” group. Here, I have already created the Spaces project. You can create a new project if you have not yet created one by clicking on Create>Spaces. You will e asked to select a datacenter region you can choose anyone you prefer.

Now, select the project and create a new folder if you have not yet created. You can choose any name of your choice. Here, I have created the “images” and “taxdocs” folder as shown below in the screenshot.



Gulshan Yadav

Freelancer - Flutter | Android | Blockchain | NodeJs | Technical Writer | Open Source Contributor | LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/mrgulshanyadav